Thursday, January 5, 2012


THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION has really come a long way in improving the standard of living of humans. It has been a major step in advancing comfort, communication, entertainment, traveling to mention just a few. However, the risks and hazards associated with it can never be surmounted. Millions of people are struggling with the common problems like obesity and other health related problems as a result of the intake of processed and junk foods. This has led to diseases like diabetes and other blood related diseases. Many die in their prime as a result of cardiac failure and other heart related diseases. Environmental pollution like oil spills and toxic waste from industries find their way into the rivers leading to the death of fish and other living things. The use of fossil fuel related products in vehicles and generators is a major source of air pollution leading to global warming problems. The changing weather pattern is affecting all of us, directly or indirectly. Reported major flooding in many countries is now a common phenomenon. The ecosystem is in danger, period. The main objective of Health, Safety and Environmental Management is prevention of accidents, elimination of risks in the industry or to minimize the risks which are always present or to enforce control measures to ensure the safety of life and property. It`s not an easy job. We all know that in every country people are still killed either at work or as a result of work activities. Many more have non-fatal injuries at work or suffer from work-related ill-health.