Friday, July 17, 2015

Medical examination is a common form of preventive medicine
A good practice to assess the health of workers
Used to anticipate, and where possible, prevent avoidable occurrence of ill-health or worsening of pre-existing medical condition @ work

Types of Medical Examinations
·         Pre-employment
·         Periodic Medical Examinations
·         Fitness to Work Medical
·         Health Surveillance
·         Pre-transfer
·         Return-to-Work
·         Pre-placement
·         Pre-retirement
·         Medical Board
·         FtW evaluation may be influenced by: Location of operation
·         Availability of medical services
·         Prognosis of medical condition

Health surveillance
A systematic, regular and appropriate health procedure to detect early signs of work- related ill health among employees exposed to certain health risks and acting on the results. Health surveillance for Noise (HCP)
Health Surveillance for Benzene, lead, Dermal irritants etc


Friday, July 10, 2015


Fitness Means Individual is in a state (physically, psychologically, and social well being) to perform tasks assigned to them competently and in a manner which does not compromise the health or safety of himself or others.
• An individual’s Fitness for Work may be impaired by variety of factors including the adverse effects of medical conditions, level of physical fitness, fatigue, stress, or the use of alcohol and other drugs, as well as work environment or work conditions.

Why is Fitness Necessary?
Safety Implications Safety of staff & colleagues
 The Ethical Case
 - As a reasonable employer
 The Business Case
 - Benefits of increased productivity
 - Reduced health incidents
 - Increased staff/employee morale
 - Customers’ minimum expectation and contractual requirements
 The Legal Case
 - Complying with both local & International regulations (Labour act, ILO, e.g.).

Pre-Employment Medical Examination       (PEME)
The purpose PEME :

·        To establish a prospective employee’s fitness for employment
·        Ability to offer regular effective attendance in Workplace
·        Assess relevant pre-existing and current health problems

Thursday, January 5, 2012


THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION has really come a long way in improving the standard of living of humans. It has been a major step in advancing comfort, communication, entertainment, traveling to mention just a few. However, the risks and hazards associated with it can never be surmounted. Millions of people are struggling with the common problems like obesity and other health related problems as a result of the intake of processed and junk foods. This has led to diseases like diabetes and other blood related diseases. Many die in their prime as a result of cardiac failure and other heart related diseases. Environmental pollution like oil spills and toxic waste from industries find their way into the rivers leading to the death of fish and other living things. The use of fossil fuel related products in vehicles and generators is a major source of air pollution leading to global warming problems. The changing weather pattern is affecting all of us, directly or indirectly. Reported major flooding in many countries is now a common phenomenon. The ecosystem is in danger, period. The main objective of Health, Safety and Environmental Management is prevention of accidents, elimination of risks in the industry or to minimize the risks which are always present or to enforce control measures to ensure the safety of life and property. It`s not an easy job. We all know that in every country people are still killed either at work or as a result of work activities. Many more have non-fatal injuries at work or suffer from work-related ill-health.

Sunday, December 25, 2011



n Stress is the way that you feel when pressure is placed on you.

n A little bit of pressure can be productive, give you motivation, and help you to perform better at something.

n Too much pressure or prolonged pressure can lead to stress, which is unhealthy for the mind and body.

n Stress often leads to physical, mental and emotional problems.

n Stress is a significant cause of illness and disease and is known to be linked with high levels of sickness absence, staff turnover and other indicators of organizational underperformance - including human error.

n Stress in the workplace reduces productivity, increases management pressures, and makes people ill in many ways.

n Workplace stress affects the performance of the brain : memory, concentration, and learning.

n Employers should provide a stress-free work environment, recognise where stress is becoming a problem for staff, and take action to reduce stress.

n Stress is believed to trigger 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses.

n Working can provide our lives with structure, purpose, satisfaction, self-esteem and financial income.

n One in five people suffers from workplace stress.

n Stress is not a disease, but it can be a threat to your health and safety at work. Legally, your employer must take care of your health and safety when you are at work.

n Stress can also be triggered by events away from work, such as bereavement, money worries and illness.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Stress is generally associated with some emotional discomfort accompanied by feeling of not being able to cope, that things are falling apart, that one is not in control etc.
Stress is regarded as something unpleasant and harmful to the individual.
Nevertheless, some degree of stress is normal and necessary in all living things, otherwise devoid of any external stimulation, the individual will be literally” bored to death”.
Perhaps up to 30% of all medical consultations may be related to stress problems.
In the workplace, stress can cause loss of productivity, lower efficiency and even decline of the organisation.
Life involves a variety of demands, problems, changing situations etc affecting the individual. The way individuals are affected by these demands and their response to them is referred to as STRESS. Thus, stress can be defined simple as a response made by people to demands made upon them.
The life event, demands etc act as STRESSORS to which the individual develops mechanisms for coping with these life events. However, when one’s usual coping mechanisms become inadequate in dealing with a situation, HARMFUL STRESS OR DISTRESS results. Generally, when the word stress is used, it is actually referring to harmful stress or distress.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Stress is a commonly used term and is generally associated with some emotional discomfort accompanied. It is regarded as something unpleasant and harmful to the individual. However, some degree of stress is normal and necessary in all living things, otherwise devoid of any external stimulation; the individual will be bored to death.


The life pressures, demands, change situation etc act as STRESSORS to which the individual develops mechanisms for coping with these life events. However, when one’s usual coping mechanisms become inadequate in dealing with a situation, HARMFUL STRESS OR DISTRESS results. Generally, when the word stress is used, it is actually referring to harmful stress or distress.

Evidence clearly shows that we are living in critical times. Everybody is affected from young to old. No one is exempted. Do you realise that not everyone can successfully manage change. I personally believe that the greatest contributor to stress is the new changes situation that confronts people. A man or woman who could hardly pay for his children`s school fees and could hardly afford two square meals suddenly finds himself becoming a millionaire overnight.

Why do you think people who are widely celebrated belong in this category? Why do you think most of them cannot sustain a normal family life? Relationship with their wives and children has fallen apart. A lot of people`s life has been shattered by success. All over the media both electronic and non-electronic, you see adverts promoting wealth and riches.

The big question is, if you finally get to your kingdom of riches and wealth can you cope? Will it tear your life apart or make you a better human being? Don`t get me wrong, I`m not saying that wealth is bad. The pressure that accompanies such changes is equally enormous and not many can cope. Ok, consider the other side of that change situation. A very wealthy person suddenly loses everything he or she has; his or her business empire suddenly collapses and nothing seems to work.
Such an individual would certainly feel that the world is after him or her. These guys definitely will look for a means of escape in their own philosophy. This is the reason why you always hear negative news about them.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The main causes of accidents involve 1) Unsafe Acts and 2) Unsafe Conditions
An unsafe act-
Ø Is an observed unsafe practice (or the connectiveness of an unsafe practice) for which responsibility can definitely be assigned?
Ø Offers injury potential to the employee ...... and may expose other people to injury, (some rule violations may not directly involve injury exposure).
Ø Could be a violation of either an establishment safety rule or procedure or of an unwritten rule of common sense or good judgment.
Ø Is an action taken by somebody without due regard for his safety and the safety of others.

Unsafe Condition: Is a condition of an equipment or work environment, which is capable of causing an accident.
In monitoring HSE performance there are various indicators used, how ever in the COMPANY HSE- MS, the following will be used
Ø Accidents with Absenteeism
Ø Accidents with Alternative Work
Ø Accidents with First Aid (FA)
Ø Accidents on the way to/from work
Ø Total Calendar Days Absenteeism
Ø Total Work Hours in the week
Ø Frequency
Ø Seriousness of Accidents

Other HSE Elements – Fire Incidents, Security Incidents, Security Breach, Civil Disturbance and Environmental Incidents.
Man Hours worked before LTI: This is the total man hours calculated before any LTI in the company.
Man Hours worked after LTI: This is the total man hours calculated after any LTI in the company i.e starting from the beginning all over again.
Lost Time Injuries Frequency (LTIF): The Lost Time Injuries Frequency is the number of Lost Time Injuries Per million Exposure Hours worked during the period.
Lost Time Incidents (LTI): Lost Time Injuries are the sum of Fatalities, Permanent Total Disabilities, Permanent Partial Disabilities and Lost Workday Cases.